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Cloud, Industry News - 15 April 2024

Google Cloud Next 2024 – 3 days of revelations

Las Vegas is home to the big and the bold, which makes it the ideal location for Google to announce its latest developments in the rapidly changing world of GenAI, and we certainly didn’t leave disappointed.  The world’s leading hyperscaler

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eCommerce, Industry News - 13 April 2022

Time to welcome the MACH Alliance?

Are you ready for total experience…? It’s time to welcome the MACH Alliance   We never get tired of talking to our clients about customer experience at DeeperThanBlue. It’s what we live for. But there’s a new kid in town. Total

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Analytics, Industry News - 11 May 2021

Should we forget Gartner?

The recent 2021 Gartner Quadrant Report has certainly given food for thought. At first glance, it appears the big winners were Microsoft Power BI and Tableau, with others falling behind – in particular IBM, who have traditionally been a leader.

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eCommerce, Industry News - 18 June 2020

HCL Commerce and Google Cloud Platform partner up

HCL Commerce has recently agreed a strategic partnership with Google Cloud. We explore what this means and how it will benefit customers. A Partner View…What does this mean for invested customers? The partnership will make Google Cloud HCL’s preferred cloud platform

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Industry News, Press Releases - 06 May 2020

The New Essential Technologies for Business – IBM Think 2020

IBM Think Digital 2020 Keynote Review “Technology platforms are the basis for competitive advantage in the 21st century. They will determine how quickly you can pivot to new market opportunities, how well you serve your clients, how much you can

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Food for thought, Industry News - 24 May 2019

Why SaaS is taking over the software world

SaaS (Software as a Service) is now favoured over other approaches, from both a financial and customer perspective. Read on to find out the 3 key points as to why: 1. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) – It’s essential in

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Food for thought, Industry News - 15 February 2019

The Reinvention of Digital – IBM Think 2019 Summary

As IBM Think draws to a close for another year, we at DeeperThanBlue, have been reflecting on what we’ve heard there. We all know that digital technology evolves all the time, continuously branching, growing and changing direction. Even changing the

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Cloud, Industry News, Integration - 26 March 2018

What we learned at IBM Think 2018

We attended IBM Think 2018 held in Las Vegas. There was much to take away this year. In the video below, DeeperThanBlue Sales & Marketing Director Chris Booker discusses topics from the event and shares what we’ve learned and what

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