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DeeperThanBlue Blog

Cloud, News - 03 July 2024

Kubernetes Certified Service Provider – Achieving Kubernetes Mastery

DeeperThanBlue, a distinguished member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), has attained the coveted status of Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP). For some time, DeeperThanBlue has surpassed the stringent expertise and qualification requirements mandated by the KCSP program, so

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Cloud, Industry News - 15 April 2024

Google Cloud Next 2024 – 3 days of revelations

Las Vegas is home to the big and the bold, which makes it the ideal location for Google to announce its latest developments in the rapidly changing world of GenAI, and we certainly didn’t leave disappointed.  The world’s leading hyperscaler

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Application Modernisation, Cloud, Integration - 29 February 2024

Embark on your journey to the cloud in 2024

Modernising your technology by moving applications into the cloud is not a new concept. In this day and age, it’s pretty common. But what does migration to the cloud entail? How long does it take? Do you need to become

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Cloud - 14 December 2023

Cloud cost optimisation: Going into 2024, it’s more important than ever

In 2023, we’ve seen more businesses than ever continue their journey to the cloud. And whilst there are undoubted business benefits to this, cost considerations must be high on the agenda – it can be too easy for costs to

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Cloud - 31 October 2023

IBM Software expands offering on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) and IBM Software Group roll-out their strategic collaboration agreement.   This builds on IBM customers being able to bring their own licenses (BYOL) to the AWS cloud and deploy these manually for some time.   Last year IBM signed

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Cloud, Food for thought - 05 January 2023

Our top four Cloud providers of 2023: How each could benefit your business

At DeeperThanBlue, we’ve been banging the cloud computing drum for years. We help our clients enhance business efficiencies, enjoy cost benefits and most importantly claim a competitive advantage over their competitors. All through the cloud. And we know that companies

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Cloud - 01 February 2021

7 things we learned about cloud computing in 2020

2020 was a year of change, transition and acceleration for many organisations. And none more so than in the realm of cloud computing. While many businesses were already beginning their journeys to the cloud (with some a little further on),

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Cloud, Company News, eCommerce - 31 October 2020

HCL Commerce v9, Google Cloud Platform and a seamless migration

Beauty Pie is making lots of noise in the beauty industry. The first of its kind, the luxury beauty buyers’ club is challenging mainstream luxury brands. Its members have access to luxury products from the world’s leading beauty laboratories, but

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Cloud, Integration - 28 July 2020

Mapping your essential metrics for API management

API management is vital for the future of your organisation. Distributing, controlling and analysing the APIs that connect applications and data across your business and across clouds is fundamental for the growth, flexibility and agility of your business. Without structured

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