CXOne Storefront

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Headless without the headaches

Introducing DTB CXOne Storefront, the game-changing solution that offers BigCommerce merchants the fastest route to embracing headless architecture.

If you’ve invested in the ideal eCommerce engine for your business, you can now supercharge the revenue-generating performance with DTB CXONE Storefront.

More and more merchants need a way to deliver lightning-fast, highly-personalised customer experiences across all devices, without the usual challenges of high initial effort and costs associated with headless adoption.

CXOne Storefront enabled merchants to achieve:


Seamless control over layout and design templates, addressing merchants’ considerations when utilising standard BigCommerce storefronts.


An exceptional page speed that enhances overall user experience, leading to improved search engine rankings and increased online visibility, as validated by leading Google Lighthouse results.

User engagement

Heightened user engagement and superior performance by leveraging the advantages of Progressive Web App (PWA) technology, being ready to foster seamless interactions and delivering a dynamic, device specific user-friendly digital experience.


Unparalleled flexibility across server, client-side, and static page generation, ensuring adaptability to diverse technical requirements and paving the way for a versatile and robust digital infrastructure.

Customer experience

An elevated customer experience by seamlessly integrating and displaying diverse data sources for the ultimate in customer experience and insights into customer behaviour and preferences.

Get in touch to find your steps to migrate to a headless solution with CXOne

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Headless For All

CXOne Storefront has been built to empower merchants who are ready to migrate away from current out-of-the-box BigCommerce frontend solutions and embrace headless without the headaches. 

The advantages of offering customers a highly personalised digital experience are well documented, with a revenue increase of circa 24% for companies who embrace this thinking. However, until now the cost of adopting a headless approach has been limited to companies that could accept a longer payback period against a costly and timely consuming implementation. Over recent years Headless and MACH projects can easily run to several hundred thousand pounds depending on complexity.

How CX ONE Storefront Changes the game

It’s not just a solution; it is the key to unlocking the full potential of your digital revenue stream. Get headless, get ahead, and redefine your customer experience with DTB CXOne Storefront. 

We have combined an enterprise commerce platform (in BigCommerce) with an enterprise CMS to give a powerful set of business tools to customise and provide a rich user experience. Using REACT Framework NEXTJS enables lightning-fast (client, server and static generated) pages that improve conversion and user experience driving revenue growth. 

Cut through the Headless malaise of timescales and costs. CXOne has already moved several BigCommerce sites to headless in a matter of weeks.

Get in touch today to discover more about CXOne Storefront


+44 (0)114 399 2820

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