RPM: Retail Performance Management

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Business agility, resilience and planning is now more important than ever. With changing consumer desire, an unpredictable landscape in the wake of Covid-19, and the delicate balance required between online and offline operations, real-time business-wide line of sight is fundamental. Introducing RPM: our Retail Performance Management solution.

Integrated retail performance management and essential line of sight 

Our integrated Retail Performance Management solution provides you with essential line of sight across your business. By connecting people, data, budgeting, performance and forecasting we help you leverage a competitive advantage.

Through data automation and machine learning, you have the tools to drive scalable and sustainable business growth. Key outcomes include:

  • Continuous innovations
  • Data-driven decisions
  • Robust planning frameworks
  • Flexible and agile strategies
  • Personalised online and offline customer experiences

retail performance management ibm planning analytics rpm dashboard ipad

Invest in hitting your goals

Whatever the size of your retail business, your main priority will be achieving your business goals. You want to cater to the needs of your customers and succeed both online and offline. You want to run your operation as cost-effectively as possible whilst innovating in line with evolving markets. And if recent events have shown us anything, you need to anticipate the future. If you can capitalise on changing opportunities as they emerge you can take a step ahead of the competition.

Our custom-built solution is tailored around the individual needs of your business. Because if there’s one thing we know, it’s that every business is different.

rpm cashflow forecast retail performance management ibm planning analytics dashboard mac

The planning pandemic


RPM is a tailored solution for your business’ unique planning and budgeting requirements  


How often do you fall back on spreadsheets? The issues that this can cause for version control, authorisation and workflows can be catastrophic. Connected planning is difficult to achieve.

While traditional budgeting can get you by to an extent, it’s simply too susceptible to human error. And when you do invest in technology, too often solutions are cobbled together from a range of competing vendors, offering no consistent business-wide view of your operations.

Experience the power of RPM


Tailored solutions powered by IBM

ibm planning analytics logo RPM

RPM is powered by IBM Planning Analytics TM1 to automate planning, budgeting and forecasting. All your data can be accessed, while financial results and analysis will be integrated with your operational plans to ensure faster execution.

We provide a bespoke solution that works with the needs of your business and in line with your goals, combining the likes of the AI-fuelled business intelligence from IBM Cognos Analytics, predictive modelling from IBM SPSS Modeler, and machine learning from IBM Watson.

We work with you to identify your requirements and to create a solution fully tailored to your business operations, enhancing current processes and legacy systems.

Configurable and agile planning models

We ensure that all areas of your business planning is aligned. Our flexible solution can be scaled up or down to cater to your current, ongoing and future planning needs.

integrated budgeting retail performance management models diagram

  • Top-down budgets:

    This starting point provides long-term strategic planning to fine tune your direction, achieve growth ambitions and drive performance.

  • Store-level budgets:

    Store-level budget planning that analyses seasonality, growth, expected performance, events, new stores, and other factors that can impact store profitability.

  • eCommerce budgets:

    Combining sales funnel analysis with driver-based planning providing an overview of seasonality and growth, impact of peaks and labour, logistics and more.

  • Goods for resale:

    Allows finite budgetary control considering factors including stock forecasting, ageing and seasonality. Provides item categorisation level tracking and optimisation of size ratios to deliver key sales performance insights.

  • Operational budgets:

    Activity-based staffing resource planning, accounting for store level sales budgets and ability to determine the optimum level of staffing.

  • Financial budgets:

    Driver-based financial budgeting through profit and loss, balance sheet and cashflow modelling. By integrating sign-off processes, the need for laborious excel-based processes are eliminated.

  • Multi-currency cashflow forecast:

    Identifying cash constraints and currency requirements, considering purchase budgets, financial budgets, sales forecasts and key supplier payment terms.

  • Performance management:

    Offering ready-made reporting packs with integrated profit and loss, balance sheet and cashflow illustrating year-on-year performance and budgetary variances, highlighting key growth opportunities.

RPM: Retail Performance Management

Our flexible approach and fast templates

We understand the need for flexibility and agility when it comes to the planning requirements of your business. Things can change in an instant – it’s essential that you are ready with a response that enables you to thrive and drive your business forward whatever is thrown your way.

Our flexible approach to our Retail Performance Management solution ensures that we provide a series of fast start templates to illustrate just what can be achieved for your business.

We can develop and extend the solution across a broad range of areas, with a full service desk for support across Finance, Sales, Supply Chain, Workforce, and Marketing.

Connecting people, data, budgeting, performance and forecasting to leverage a competitive advantage.


Get in touch with us today to experience the power of our Retail Performance Management Solution and find essential line of sight across your business?

+44 (0)114 399 2820

[email protected]

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