By DeeperThanBlue Analytics

Analytics Health Check

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While every business understands the value of data, too often they aren’t making the most of it. For many organisations, data is buried somewhere in their systems and isn’t easily accessible by the people that need it. And if it is, sometimes the teams themselves don’t possess the necessary skills to make the most of it. How can they then help to support business growth now and in the future?
So, how healthy is your analytics? How does it compare to your peers and competitors? Does every part of your business have access to accurate and easy to understand data to support business decisions? And most-importantly do you have a data strategy in place to ensure that you can deliver on your business’ potential?

Understanding where you are now

At DeeperThanBlue, our analytics health check service is proven to get to the detail. Not only in understanding how you currently use data, but also evaluating whether or not your investment has delivered the value it should have.

We undertake an end-to-end review of the results from data sources, through to data structuring and storage and on to information distribution. We’ll give you rating of what is good, bad and ugly and we’ll also let you know if all your licences are compliant.

Our Analytics Health Check Approach

We carry out a thorough review of people, processes and technologies (such as IBM Planning Analytics –TM1 and Cognos Analytics) in your business, and identify areas of excellence and areas of weakness. 

You’ll receive a written report with clearly assessed fitness for purpose scoring covering systematic processes, appropriateness of technologies and their alternatives, and independent review of people covering technical, business, people and leaderships skills. 

We support the review with clear actionable steps to help ensure that weaknesses are addressed through training and prioritisation. 

What are the benefits of an Analytics Health Check?

Choosing the right package for your business

At DeeperThanBlue, our recommendations are proven to deliver savings to your business quickly and to provide a strong ROI. With data playing such an important role to the future of your organisation, making sure your analytics is in the right health is something you simply can’t ignore.
Our packages start from as little as £12,750 for a base 15-day review, while we can work alongside you to define your data needs and objectives to perform a thorough Analytics Health Check that applies to the specific needs of your business.

Why choose DeeperThanBlue?

At DeeperThanBlue we combine deep commercial experience with strong independent technical skills and domain knowledge through our experienced and certified consultants. Get in touch with us today to make sure you can get the most from your data.

If you’re keen to learn more about enhancing your business analytics, data and reporting, please get in touch today.

+44 (0)114 399 2820

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