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DeeperThanBlue Blog

AI, Blog - 28 June 2024

My Cat could do better! – Can AI help predict the Euros

Back in 2018 and 2021, DeeperThanBlue challenged analytics platforms to predict the outcomes of football matches played at the FIFA World Cup and the UEFA European Championship. With an office full of football fans (and some people who watch Sheffield

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AI - 22 May 2024

Time for Think; time to think

As I write from our offices in Sheffield, across the Atlantic, IBM is sharing their latest developments at their annual customer and business partner conference, IBM Think 2024.  As with all these occasions, the announcements at IBM Think come thick

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AI, Food for thought - 24 April 2024

AI For Business – Let’s get on with it…

AI is here to stay. You’re already using it whether you like it or not. So how do you use the power of AI to work for you? Read on as we help you dip your toes in the AI

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AI, Analytics - 11 January 2022

AI in the retail world

Artificial intelligence isn’t all about chatbots and removing real humans from customer service. AI’s place in business is growing fast, with more and more use cases developing each day. Used correctly, AI can vastly improve your customer experience, internal operations

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AI, Analytics - 24 February 2021

Climbing the ladder to AI

AI enables you to develop new ideas, gain better insights and improve business decision making. But it isn’t simply a case of flipping a switch and immediately transforming your business through the power of AI. To reap the benefits, you

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