Tester Recruitment
Tester Recruitment
Some businesses prefer to use in house test resource, which can be a suitable option if there is capacity within the headcount of the business, and there is a long term need for testers without flexing.
We offer a recruitment service to vet candidates for permanent resourcing. The benefit of using our tester recruitment service is you know testers will be vetted by test professionals that will ask the right questions – to ensure you know you will only be interviewing quality candidates.
This process reduces the time taken by your business to interview and get the best candidate for the role, and also supports staff retention when the right person is matched with the right role for the business.
We have previously recruited for testers for all levels – from graduate to experienced test programme managers – for a variety of industries and projects.
If you would any further information on our tester recruitment service, contact the Unify team below.