Software testing

Infrastructure & Resilience Testing

Infrastructure & Resilience Testing

Infrastructure is becoming more and more complex and it provides the foundations to software packages which form the backbone to a business. It is therefore always essential to execute infrastructure and resilience testing to prove that the services are fit for purpose and robust.

Our test experts can plan and execute infrastructure and resilience testing, in areas including:

Cloud Infrastructure

  • Testing integration with cloud services such as Google Cloud Platform / AWS / Azure.
  • Testing functionality provided with cloud infrastructure such as pod and node scaling.
  • Resource Resilience – including the impact on CPU usage.
  • State Resilience – such as the impact of reboots and shutdowns of components.
  • Network Resilience – the impact of latency and packet loss.


Database Migration

  • Upgrades of multiple types of database (for example Oracle 9i to 10g can create issues).
  • Migration between different database providers.
  • Migrating of databases from one data-centre to another.
  • Ensuring migration is accurate (record count, for example).
  • Ensuring no data has been lost.
  • Ensuring data is usable.
  • Ensuring the database has not slowed down.


Infrastructure Migration

  • Testing migrations from on-premises to cloud, such as Azure, AWS or Google Cloud Platform.
  • Testing to ensure all functionality is as expected.
  • Testing to make sure performance is as expected.
  • Testing to ensure all offered cloud functionality is working as intended.

Software Deployments (e.g. A release of software deployed that interacts with key infrastructure)

  • Testing the existing infrastructure is communicating with all components as intended after release.
  • Testing the new functionality is communicating with the infrastructure.
  • Testing the performance of infrastructure has not been adversely affected by releases in an unintended way.


Test Environment Infrastructure (e.g. The release of new test environments)

  • Ensuring and building confidence in new test environments.
  • Creating comparisons with live environments to ensure all configurations have been appropriately made.
  • Testing the integration with all infrastructure, to make sure it works as intended.
  • Devising a test data strategy to ensure that the test data is as realistic as possible, whilst also considering other factors such as GDPR.


There are a number of tools that can be used for infrastructure testing – such as Gremlin and Chaos Monkey, amongst others. Selecting the right tool for your business is critical – this can depend on factors including intended infrastructure architecture as well as test team resources and knowledge.

When should infrastructure testing be performed?

In addition to the initial infrastructure implementation it is vital to perform additional infrastructure testing when any change has occurred. Examples may include:

  • System updates or patches
  • Operating system updates or patches
  • Database version updates or patches
  • Database structure changes
  • System upgrades such as memory, CPU
  • New integrations or integrated software updates
  • Security updates or patches

As a project gets larger, these tests can start to take up valuable time and resource, which is where automation can expedite the process. Find more information about our automation services.

There are a number of tools that can be used for infrastructure testing – such as Gremlin and Chaos Monkey. Selecting the right tool for your business is critical – this can depend on factors including infrastructure architecture as well as test team knowledge and capabilities.

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Get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements.

+44 (0)114 399 2820

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