Klaviyo Marketing Automation

Drive more sales and scale your brand with marketing automation from Klaviyo.
Consumers and businesses share huge amounts of information with each other, but too often when it comes to email marketing and the experiences delivered by retailers, this data simply isn’t being used. 
While you may know the experience you want to create for your customers, previous technologies haven’t been able to deal with the scale and real-time nature of information. Retailers have often had to rely on advertising and growth channels that are out of their control. By storing all of your customer data in the same system that delivers experiences to users, you can provide more tailored communications for customers and help your business to scale. 

Benefits of Klaviyo marketing automation

Klaviyo Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation from Klaviyo offers advanced features and power functionality, to: 

  • Design your ideal customer experience 
  • A/B test your automated emails 
  • Branch email flows to get even more personal 
  • Enhance performance with better reporting 

And with data at your fingertips you’ll be providing your users with the experience they crave. Tap into behavioural data for personalised content, target based on key attributes, provide targeting and personalised email campaigns and integrate all data points to gain a better understanding of your users. 

Klaviyo and BigCommerce

Klaviyo enables you to learn more about your customers than you ever knew before, ensuring you can communicate with them on a personal level and build ongoing relationships with them. By tapping into all available data points on your users you’ll have the platform to create memorable marketing moments. Integrations happen in minutes meaning you’ll be driving results fast.
Klaviyo & BigCommerce

Why should you choose Klaviyo for your marketing automation?

Whether you are building your brand, scaling your operation or moving your brick and mortar store online, Klaviyo brings with it a range of benefits, including: 

  • Full historical data sync: All your historical data and customer information will automatically be ingested by Klaviyo. 
  • Real-time data ingestion: With Klaviyo you can instantly record, consume and access data due to a seamless integration with BigCommerce webhooks. 
  • Product data enrichment: Automatically sync product attributes to checkout, order events, and catalogue records.
  • Personalised product recommendations: Use your customer purchase history to provide personalised customer recommendations. It’s easy to use with zero setup required. 
  • Back in stock alerts: Don’t let out of stock products result in a lost sale, with the ability to alert your customers once their chosen product is back in. 
  • Codeless sign up forms: Create signup forms without the need to write any code. 
  • Customer-level predictions: Klaviyo automatically predicts lifetime value, churn risk, and more for every customer.

Why choose DeeperThanBlue?

At DeeperThanBlue we can help you make the right technology choices and integrate them into a scalable eCommerce ecosystem that will cater to both your customers and your business requirements. To find out more and to begin building a flexible, agile and scalable eCommerce ecosystem get in touch with us today. 

If you’re keen to learn more about enhancing your business analytics, data and reporting, please get in touch today.

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